Tenmen Electrical

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Category: Air Conditioning

  • Upgrade Your AC: Smart Thermostats for Air Conditioner Units

    Air Conditioning

    Did you know that some Aussie households spend up to 40% of their energy bills on heating and cooling? That's a hefty chunk of change! But here's the good news:…

    Isaac Jamieson

    Person holding a tablet displaying a smart home interface, showing the living room temperature, humidity, wi-fi status, and a weekly schedule for thermostat settings. Digital graphs are also visible.
  • Preventing and Removing Mould from Air Conditioners

    Air Conditioning

    Did you know that nearly 50% of homes with air conditioners have experienced mould growth within these units at some point? This statistic highlights a significant yet often overlooked issue…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A hand holding a dirty air filter removed from an air conditioning unit.
  • When to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

    Air Conditioning

    Did you know that outdated air conditioning units could account for up to 40% of a household's energy consumption during summer months? This startling statistic highlights the importance of upgrading…

    Isaac Jamieson

    Woman adjusting a digital thermostat set to 18 degrees celsius with air conditioner unit in background.
  • Indoor Air Quality and Your Air Conditioner

    Air Conditioning

    Indoor air quality is often overlooked, yet it plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. The air in our homes can be contaminated with various pollutants, including…

    Isaac Jamieson

    Person holding a dirty air filter next to a clean one in front of an open air conditioning unit.
  • Top Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

    Air Conditioning

    In our hot Australian climate, having an air conditioner can make life so much more comfortable. But, like all appliances, air conditioners have a limited lifespan. It's important to keep…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A man using a screwdriver to fix an air conditioner.
  • Split Systems Vs Multi-Head Air Conditioners

    Air Conditioning

    When it comes to selecting the right air conditioning system for your home or office, the debate between split systems and multi-head air conditioners is a common consideration. In this…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A woman is pointing at a Split System air conditioner with the remote control.
  • Two Tenmen Electrical vans parked in front of a building.

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