Tenmen Electrical

Knowledge Centre

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Category: Solar

  • How to Maximise Your Solar Energy Usage


    Have you ever wondered if your solar panels are truly living up to their potential? As Aussies, we're blessed with abundant sunshine, but many of us aren't harnessing its full…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A tablet displaying a bar chart titled "Production" is placed next to a clipboard with a "Solar Energy" document in front of solar panels.
  • Solar Panels and Home Value: The Benefits of Going Solar


    Australia is one of the sunniest countries in the world, and with an average of 8.5 hours of sunshine per day, our nation's solar energy potential is truly staggering. Yet,…

    Isaac Jamieson

    Aerial view of a Sunshine Coast residential property featuring solar panels on the house and an adjacent building, a backyard with a canopy, and a blue swimming pool.
  • Comparing Solar Energy to Other Renewable Energy Sources


    Did you know that the global solar power capacity exceeded 760 gigawatts in 2020, rivalling the combined installed capacity of all other renewable energy sources? This astonishing figure underscores the…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A landscape featuring wind turbines, a solar panel array, and a nuclear power plant in the background, illustrating various sources of renewable and non-renewable energy under a partly cloudy sky.
  • Solar Energy Storage Solutions for Your Home


    Australia is embracing a greener future with breakneck speed. Did you know that the number of home storage batteries installed in the country has surpassed 250,000 as of 2024? Considering…

    Isaac Jamieson

    Three home battery units from different brands displayed against a gray geometric background.
  • Maintenance Tips for Solar Panels


    Welcome to our guide on solar panel maintenance. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you keep your solar panels in optimal condition,…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A man fixing a solar panel on a roof.
  • Solar System Monitoring: Tools and Techniques


    As experts in the field, we understand the importance of monitoring the performance of your solar system to maximise its efficiency and longevity. In this article, we will explore the…

    Isaac Jamieson

    A woman holding a smart phone in front of solar panels.
  • Two Tenmen Electrical vans parked in front of a building.

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